Christmas Fair
• • • Christmas Fair was a huge success, a fantastic afternoon of carol singing from Ayr Choral Union, Doonfoot Primary School and OIR Choir. Everyone enjoyed refreshments, festive home baking and mulled wine. It was a wonderful atmosphere in the Conservatory all dressed for the Festive Season with a beautifully decorated tree donated by Alison Wilson. BCL Volunteers sold handmade goods by the Crafternoons group and BCL Shop was laden with festive gifts. Gorgeous plants were for sale. The raffle hamper was won by Tony Beattie. Big thanks to Lesley BCL Operations Manager, who organised the event and all the volunteers who helped. Thanks to all the Choirs who entertained us beautifully all afternoon and special thanks to Brig o Doon House Hotel for afternoon tea for two raffle prize. |
Scottish Charity No. SC042074
"Restoring and Preserving the Future of one of Scotland's Most Iconic Landmarks"
ContactBelleisle Conservatory Belleisle Park, Doonfoot Road Ayr KA7 4DU 07739 342622 |
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